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Alpesh Rawal - Co-Founder of Nav9rang Garba Academy from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Q1. How did your career journey start? Or Who/What inspired you to start this Business/ Entrepreneurship? I started off with a corporate job...

Q1. How did your career journey start? Or Who/What inspired you to start this Business/ Entrepreneurship?

I started off with a corporate job in a bank. Being an Engineer  plus MBA, a classic combination, this was not a surprising choice. 

However, this job led to immense unrest and loss of creative zest. I was facing a burnout and experienced immense lack of fulfillment. I quit my job, started my own firms and then fulfilled my passion of GARBA.

Q2. Kindly share some information about your Business, products and services here.

Along with my friend, I founded Nav9rang - A Garba Academy and since last 3 years we are teaching Garba to our students all across the country. We are also Certified trainer of Power Garba Fitness where we combine Fitness with Garba beats!! 

Recently we have also launched our talk show GupShup with Nav9rang where prominent personalities are invited as a speaker and they share their knowledge with our students on live interview. 

Q3. What kind of challenges did you face while starting/doing business?

Initially, we did not get as much payoffs compared to the effort we were putting in. Competition and envy by our competitors who did not want to see us flourish. 

We wanted to keep it economical and affordable so that each and everyone can Enrol with us and we can spread our Gujarati Folk Dance Culture across the Globe!

Q4. Do share with our readers about your discovery period when you were facing difficulties in your business?

We had to accept the fact that in order to acquire a solid user base, we had to put in PR effort and investment in branding so we started working on it . 

Also at Nav9rang, we make sure anyone can Enrol with us without any discrimination in terms of age of dancing background which clicked really well among the students . 

Q5. Share with our readers about your experiment period after the discovery period?

This led us to create a niche in the market. Today we are well known in the market and a respected brand.

As mentioned earlier we made sure that we all play together during the festival without any constraints! 

Q6. What are your future plans? Or now what is your vision for next five years?

Our vision is to go Global, get Television and Film choreography assignments for Garba. We wish to expand our community by doing workshops that are beyond Garba and create IP's.

Q7. How would you advice/suggest new entrepreneurs who want to start & sustain in business?

Make consistent efforts. You don't receive payoffs overnight. Invest in good talent and partners. 

Q8. LinkedIn profile URL link

Q9. Facebook profile URL link

Personal -

Garba Page -

Q10. Instagram profile URL link

Personal -

Garba profile:

Q11. Twitter profile URL link

Q11. Personal blog URL link

Q12. Company website & Company blog URL link 



Interviewed by: Khushboo Chotaliya - Lifestyles Influencer from Mumbai, India. 

Both Alpesh & Khushboo are student of 
Yogesh MA's Digital Influencer's Academy.

Kindly follow Khushboo here


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