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Charmi Jhaveri - Founder of GoPositive - Qualified and Certified Tarot Card Reader, Numerologist and Graphologist from Kobe, Japan

Q1. How did your career journey start? Or Who/What inspired you to start this business/ entrepreneurship? I, Charmi Jhaveri was born and bro...

Q1. How did your career journey start? Or Who/What inspired you to start this business/ entrepreneurship?

I, Charmi Jhaveri was born and brought up in South Mumbai, India and presently living in Kobe, Japan from the past 15 years. My journey in the spiritual world started just by chance. There was a point in my life where I found myself lost, clueless and helpless. So I decided to take help from a Tarot card reader. I was surprised by the accuracy of the reading , hence decided to learn the Art/Science of Tarot Card Reading for myself. I wanted to help many people like me who needed guidance for a better life. I initially started practicing Tarot Reading and other modalities for my family & friends and I received many positive feedbacks. My husband believed in my work and always supported me to move ahead. This inspired me to start my own company in this field called "GOPOSITIVE" which will spread awareness and help everyone to get positive results. My main aim and focus is to bring positivity and heal the person so that he/she is able to make the highest and best decision in their difficult time with a positive mind. I am a successful Tarot Card Reader since last 5 years.

Q2. Kindly share some information about your Business, products and services here.

At present, I am a Qualified and Certified Practitioner and Healer at GoPositive. GoPositive provides services like Tarot Card Readings, Numerology Reports, Graphotherapy , Handwriting Analysis, Signature Analysis, Runes Readings, Vastu Consultations, Chakra Healings, Color Therapy and even held many workshops. My readings, reports, remedies given are very simple to understand and follow. These services can be provided in person, mail, over the phone as well as whats app and Skype calling. We have a steady base of clients who contact me frequently. Today after 5 years Gopositive has successfully served more than 300 - 400 happy and satisfied clients around the globe. We have clients from Japan, India, UAE, Canada, New York, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Auckland, Spain, South Africa and Belgium.

Q3. What kind of challenges did you face while starting/doing business?

I started out in Japan, a country where language is a big barrier. The challenge which I faced is that still a lot of people consider Tarot Card Reading as a fun game. They think it's not serious and some also think we invoke spirits and do some magical work. I faced many challenges, but my self confidence, was always strong. I wanted to create my own identity in this world which was not easy. However, my self confidence and faith in almighty and my own abilities has created my own path to make myself what I am today.

Q4. Do share with our readers about your discovery period when you were facing difficulties in your business?

Getting into a profession of occult science demands great amount of patience, positivity and responsibility. Once people have faith and trust in you, they will take your guidance whenever they feel stuck. I realized that I did make a difference in people's lives. I even realized nothing can be mastered or achieved overnight. It can only be mastered by practice and hard work. The more you practice, the more accurate the results.

Q5. Share with our readers about your experiment period after the discovery period?

Being a professional, marketing was very vital to promote myself and establish my work. I was very confused as how to go about exploring opportunities. Thanks to social networking, it helped me to explore and connect to good people. Always remember that our clients are the first and best way to market yourself. Your good work will spread with word of mouth.

Q6. What are your future plans? Or now what is your vision for next five years?

In the next 5 years I plan to promote all my modalities especially Tarot card reading as an unconventional career option. I am passionate about teaching and I want to teach all my modalities and share my knowledge with everyone so that people can help themselves and live a better life.

Q7. How would you advice/suggest new entrepreneurs who want to start & sustain in business?

I would like to say, "YOUR ONLY LIMIT IS YOU". You can do anything you set your mind to, as long as you are willing to work hard for it. Stay positive and remember to be grateful for experiences and lessons learned along the way. It's a journey. IT'S YOUR JOURNEY.

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Q13. Personal Blog URL link

Q13. Company website & Company blog URL link

Q14. Youtube Channel URL link


Interviewed by: Khushboo Chotaliya - Lifestyles Influencer from Mumbai, India. 

Khushboo is a student of 
Yogesh MA's Digital Influencer's Academy.

Kindly follow Khushboo here


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